So many of the tips I've shared with you so far have been things that, well, haven't exactly been all that much fun to do. There are so many minor complications that I never thought of when I initially made the green tips. For example, one of the things that I didn't realize about hitchhiking is that many horror movies actually start out with a hitchhiker and end up with bloody, decapitated bodies hidden in some crazy guy's basement. So if anyone took my advice and hitchhiked to work only to be torn to pieces, you have my sincere apology. (Also, I'm still not liable! I swear! Don't sue me!)
It's because of those unfortunate side effects that I am excited to share my 7th Green Tip. This one will be AMAZINGLY fun. Well, ok, that's an exaggeration. (I'm not liable if you don't have fun). But if you were a child in the US in the 50's (as I was not) then you probably liked to play cowboy. My green tip for the day hearkens back to those older, more innocent times, before iPods and Twitter, before global warming and declining oil supplies, before atomic bombs and cold wars. Shoot, wait, no, there was atomic bombs and cold wars in the 50's. Maybe the 50's weren't so innocent. But it doesn't mean that a generation of kids didn't have fun pretending they were in the Wild Wild West.
Here's where the Green Tip #7 comes in. What else did the Wild West have other than cowboys? (this has nothing to do with saloons and prostitutes). It had miners! Sadly, most of Americans outside of West Virginia will never have the chance to live the life of a miner. Until now! And miners have headlamps! Imagine how much fun it would be to use a headlamp instead of all those pesky overhead lights. And if you think about it, you don't need to see anything other than what you're looking at, right? (Deep, I know) If the average monthly electric bill is $80 in Ohio and lighting makes up 10 to 20 percent of the electric bill, so that comes out to almost $200 a year you could be saving. Ha, I used statistics, so you can't argue with me now!
So yeah, go out and get yourself a headlamp and ditch all those lightbulbs you've got around your house. It'll also come in handy in case you need to build an underground fallout shelter to prepare for the next nuclear arms race.
One of my readers suggested that I take questions. Since I want to share tips relevant to what you're interested in, feel free to ask away! Between every 10 tips, I'll take some time out to answer your questions. So between tips #9 and #10, I'll pick some of the better questions to answer. Get them in before then!
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