A few minutes ago, I faced a challenging decision. Well, I really faced two challenging decisions, but only one of them actually relates to Green Tip #90. The first decision (not environmentally related) was whether or not I should polish off the rest of the box of cookies that I had sitting in front of me. I mean, they're really good cookies and was I really expected to stop after just one?
But in more relevant news, I also had to make the decision about what to do with the milk that I wanted to drink with the cookies. Should I bother with getting a cup out of my cupboard and worry about having to wash it when I was done and waste water and soap? Or should I do the environmentally friendly thing and just drink right out of the carton?
Well, out of respect for my roommate, I chose to stick one more nail in the coffin of Mother Earth by using a cup. Sure, it was a horrible decision to have to make and one that I regretted for at least a few minutes. But all is good, I had my cookies as comfort food to make the pain go away.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is don't make decisions you're going to regret but if you do find yourself in that situation, just remember that delicious baked goods with M&Ms in them will make everything better!
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