Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Green Tip #100!

Hooray! The 100th Green Tip! In honor of such a momentous occasion, I'm going to share with you an extremely special Green Tip. One that will change your life forever and reduce your carbon footprint to next to nothing! So here we go, Green Tip #100 is:


well, you should...


...something or other...

...but give up doing...

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm out of ideas for Green Tips. But I know just the solution. I need to flush out my system by giving you 50 Tips that are just a little too practical or too bizarre to write an entire entry about. These tend to build up in my brain like plaque in someone's arteries and get in the way of all the good impractical ideas. Here we go, have fun!

- Stop flossing, it wastes string - Drink water, not soda - Stop buying more canvas grocery bags and use the ones you have - Don't drive at night, save your headlights - Stop washing your clothes - Get a smaller TV - Learn how to sew - Eat more carrots - Turn off the reading lights - Live on a mountain, get a bike - Learn how to hang glide - Learn how to ride a horse - Buy extremely local, only buy from your neighbors - Reduce everything in your life - Reuse everything in your life - Recycle everything in your life - Be a workaholic, live at work - Stowaway - Stop reading blogs, start reading books - Chalk graffiti, not spray paint - Eat local and organic, steal from a farm - Teach your baby not to poop to save diapers - Don't buy SUVs - or pickup trucks - or vans - or midsized cars - or compact cars - or any cars - Running a marathon is great, walking it would save energy - Tofu needs lots of salt - Underachieve - Stoptypingspacespeoplewillunderstand - Stp typng vwls s wll - Dbthfthstgthr - Don't vacation, daydream - Live on the moon, no atmosphere to pollute! - Go into a coma - Cryogenically freeze yourself - Learn how to photosynthesize - Inject green ink into your skin - Replace your limbs with highly efficient robot arms and legs - Ditch your printer, get a box of crayons - Don't watch movies, daydream - Dig out all of the bottles and cans out of your neighbors' garbage and take them to Michigan to recycle but get pulled over by the cops for speeding and keep insulting the police officer until you get arrested and spend the rest of your life in jail to avoid wasting gas on a morning commute! - Don't watch TV, daydream - Cut off your foot to save socks and shoes - Don't have a social life, daydream - Stop a couple short of 50 to save laptop batteries.

I guess now would be a good time to tell you that I'll be changing the format of this blog sometime in the near future. I haven't finalized the details, but I'll be switching to 4 Tournament matches per week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (or Sunday). Once the Tournament is over, I'll go back to Green Tips of some sort.

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