Hello all! Today is your lucky day! You get not one, but two bonus Green Tips today. First off, I decided to write another WRAWWN Green Tip. (Read the first one here). WRAWWN stands for What Resource Are We Wasting Now? and I address how we are wasting something that we are using up way too rapidly but the solution to it is just so obvious I wouldn't be able to fill a whole Green Tip with the explanation of it. Without further ado...
What Resource(s) Are We Wasting Now? Parts 2 and 3, Water and Gasoline
At first I was going to just talk about how to reduce the amount of water that you use, but then I realized that both ideas I had also saved gasoline. It's like a bonus or something!
So one of the worst ways we waste water is with watering our lawns and our gardens. But it doesn't seem like there's any way to get around this. You're not just going to let your lawn get taken over by prairie grass and dandelions are you? So you toil away, spending countless hours watering and mowing the lawn, wasting water and gas for our lawnmowers.
But just when all hope seems to be lost, the clouds part to reveal...
A rock garden?
Yup. While many people may ridicule this seemingly ugly landscaping tactic, you have to admit that having one of these would save a lot of water and gasoline. Who knows, maybe this trend will catch on someday?
And the other part of this WRAWWN is a simple one. Stop letting your house catch on fire. Seriously. We know that you like deep frying turkeys and plugging 14 strands of Christmas lights into one socket and smoking in bed and having old faulty space heaters but why don't you think of the environment next time you want to do one or more of those things. Think of all the water that could be wasted trying to put out your house fire and all the gas that is wasted when the fire trucks drive to your house. (Although fire fighters have clearly read the IGR because they follow Green Tip #12).
Well, there you have it. Hopefully that will help you next time you're planning your landscaping or deciding whether or not to engage in actions that are potential fire hazards. Oh, and I'm sorry Wild Ginger Farm. I didn't mean to imply that your rock gardens are ugly. I'm just implying that rock gardens in general are ugly. Best of luck to you and your business!
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