Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Green Tip #12: Run Red Lights

Think back, way back to when I first starting posting fun and informative Green Tips for everyone. Do you remember that first day when I explained that some of the Green Tips might be unethical or even worse... illegal (gasp!)? Sorry to say it, but this is one's going to be a big no no when it comes things you shouldn't do if the cops are around. (That would be kind of an interesting blog, by the way if you feel so inspired)

Green Tip #12 was brought to my attention earlier today when I was driving my car. (the Amish kicked me out. It was me or the electric toothbrush, they said.) But anyway, I was driving my car and I noticed the electronic thing that tracked my miles per gallon. Now, for the longest time, I thought that it was just the speedometer and it was just on the fritz. I mean, I had the peddle on the floor and I could never get about 9 or 10 miles per hour! I'm so glad that I figured out what that's for, it'll save me a lot of speeding tickets in the future!

Which brings me to my next point. In place of speeding tickets, I'll probably be getting a lot of tickets for running red lights and stop signs. Because Green Tip #12 is to never stop your car FOR ANYTHING. Unless of course you get where you're going. Then you're free to stop your car all you want. In fact, your friend who's house you're visiting would probably appreciate that.

But seriously. Don't stop. While sitting at a red light, I noticed my miles per gallon were at 0. That's almost as bad as a Hummer. So just as though you should be prepared to explain to the cops how robots will someday take over the world, (go back and read older posts. It's in there somewhere) you need to be ready to explain to cops why it is that you ran 12 red lights in a row.

Special tip: cops are more likely to write you off as just another crazy environmentalist that probably doesn't understand traffic laws anyway if you DON'T drive a Hummer. Seriously, lose the Hummer...

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