Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tournament Round 2, Match 3 - (1) Bikes vs. (5) Trains

Sorry about the whole being late thing... You know, holidays! What are you going to do about 'em? Anyway, here's the long awaited Bikes vs. Trains!


Before I get started, I just have to say that learning how to ride about a bike is just about mandatory for children in this country. It's almost like a rite of passage or a coming of age event in people's lives.

Green Pride (14/20)
I know for a fact that you know, or at least know of, someone in your life that is a total jerk about riding their bike. These are the people with the spandex pants and the people that always talk about how Lance Armstrong is their personal hero. These people rub it in your faces that their carbon footprint is smaller than the parking space that they need to park their bike at work every day. Never mind that they have an hour and a half commute each way. That's not the point. The point is that they're better than you.

Green Guilt (3/20)
The hard thing about biking is that it doesn't work in the winter. Everyone in the northern part of the country (world, really), wakes up on January 1st and says "I should ride my bike more to reduce my carbon footprint and get into shape." Haha, then they rationalize it that it's snowing out and they'll wait until April to start that New Year's Resolution. But by April, most people have forgotten that they made that promise to themselves and feel really no guilt about it.

Reader Comments (0/10)
I couldn't decide either. Maybe next time!


Trains pulled off an upset last round, can they do it again?

Green Pride (10/20)
Sorry, Trains, I don't have any really great anecdotes or witty remarks about how people love riding trains and how people herald them as the saviors of the environment. Yes, there is a lot of push for high speed rail to be installed in this country, but I don't see that as an environmental issue first and foremost. It's mostly an economic issue that people want to see cities connected by things other than roads and airports.

Green Guilt (0/20)
When was the last time that you rode a train? One of two things just happened. You either didn't have to think much about it because you do it every day and it's a necessity and not an environmental choice. The other is that you had to think for quite a while and couldn't really remember the last time. That's because it doesn't bother you that you're not riding trains. If you're concerned about your environmental footprint, you're going to do other things (like ride bikes) and not choose to ride the train more.

Reader Comments (0/10)
They're worth double now, so make sure you comment!

Time to tally the scores!

Bikes: 17
Trains: 10

Wow, lowest scores we've ever had here. Bikes are lucky that Trains were such an uninspiring competitor.

Next up: (2) Electric Vehicles vs. (3) Hybrid Vehicles. That should be interesting!

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