Friday, July 9, 2010

Tournament Round 2, Match 7 - (1) Low Energy Lighting vs. (5) High Efficiency Toilets

Time to begin the Green Products Region, Round 2!

Low Energy Lighting

Green Pride (14/20)
I fear that LEL is beginning to follow the path of Recycling. These new Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs have been around for some time now and people are starting to take them for granted. In fact, a lot of countries now have plans to ban the sale of high energy light bulbs within the next ten years, so after that point, people will take no pride in doing what is really the only option that they have.

But for now, people are pretty proud of the fact that they are able to cut down their energy bills by buying light bulbs that look somewhat silly and whimsical.

Green Guilt (6/20)
People aren't too guilty about not using these new light bulbs. Right now there are too many excuses (many not valid) for not wanting to upgrade their lights. They're too expensive (the lower electricity costs pay for themselves within a year or so), they have odd coloring (newer technologies have fixed that), they take too long to turn on (really, you can't wait 1/2 of a second?).

Reader Comments (0/10)
Make sure to comment!

High Efficiency Toilets

Green Pride (12/20)
I really do want to give this a higher score, because I think people would be (and most likely are) proud of their water-free toilets. But when I'm rating these ideas, I like to think about how often and how vocally people like to brag about owning the product. And the one thing that society has taught us well is that you don't talk about toilets to strangers at parties. That's just really weird, even if composting your own waste is really good for the environment.

Green Guilt (7/20)
People will feel pretty darn guilty some day. Right now, things aren't too bad and water is something that is fairly common. But once droughts begin taking hold and water is something that is almost as scarce (and valuable) as oil, people will begin singing a different song. So for now, I'll have to give this a low-ish rating, but if it makes you feel any better, I'll give this one a few future point that can be redeemed in 5 years.

Reader Comments (2/10)
Just think! You, too could contribute to the winner of this tournament!

Time to tally the scores!

Low Energy Lighting: 20
High Efficiency Toilets: 21

I hope you aren't too UPSET by that result! Come on back tomorrow to see how (2) Canvas Bags and (3) Recycled Products fare against one another.

1 comment:

  1. Bags. Recycled products are too obscure for people to be aware of. Using normal grocery bags now makes you feel SUPER guilty.
