Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tournament Round 3, Match 1 - (1) Recycling vs. (6) Wildlife Conservation

Round three is just about to begin, and it should be a little bit more fun than previous rounds. I have a lot more flexibility in terms of coming up with silly news stories to share with everyone. I'm going to stretch this one out a bit longer so I can have a more thorough discussion of the topics. I'll only talk about Recycling today and talk about Wildlife Conservation Tomorrow. Enough of this chit chat, let's see how Recycling does!


Positive News Stories (5 out of 30)
I'm not going to even pretend that I looked through all of the Recycling based news stories over the past year. I skimmed through a lot of headlines and I was pretty disappointed in what I found about Recycling. Most stories were from regional newspapers talking about the city or the county collecting some new item such as different numbered plastic or bottle caps or something. A lot of stories talked about raising costs to collect recyclables. But really, there hasn't been any remarkably exciting news stories when it comes to Recycling. It's become a pretty well developed concept that isn't going to change much each year.

Negative News Stories (-12 out of -30)
Negative new stories were somewhat easier to find. One in particular, which was posted 3 minutes before I started looking for news stories is the following:

(WARNING: Don't read this story while eating. Or if you plan on eating any time in your life.)

Bleaaaach! NO! Never! I originally didn't want to include this under Recycling because usually you think of plastic, not placentas when you think of Recycling, but I decided to leave it in here. Recycling, by its very definition, is taking something that you would throw away and turning it into something useful (such as a teddy bear or a lasagna).

If you really want something more normal, I did find an article that discussed how a Recycling program in California took in $1.2 Billion dollars but they wasted so much money that it actually cost the state around $1 Billion. No wonder California is having so many budgetary issues!

User Comments (4 out of 20)
To answer your concern, Chris, I update the Tournament picture on the right hand side of the page so you can see the current match up.

Okay, now that the suspense has been built, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how Wildlife Conservation does and who the winner is.

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