Monday, April 19, 2010

Green Tip #88: Stop Having So Many Friends

For those of you who did a double take when you saw this and got worried that you forgot it's Tuesday and started panicking that you missed the newest episodes of 'Lost' and 'American Idol,' I just want to assure you that, yes, I am posting this on Monday night. I'm going to be busy tomorrow presenting my green research all day and wanted to get this one in early. (Don't be worried, you're not missing out on Green Tips that I'm not sharing with you. My day job is to come up with Practical Green Tips. Totally boring stuff you wouldn't be interested in.)

So yes, on to Green Tip #88. I was watching one of my favorite TV shows this afternoon and some of the characters were talking about marriages and how they were inviting so many people to the event. That got me thinking about the people that don't really have that many friends to invite to their weddings and how that might actually be good for the environment. Not just for weddings, but life in general.

Think about this: how many times have you been asked to visit an old college or high school friend that has moved out of town? All that gas being wasted driving all the way down there or flying out to wherever it is your friend lives. I say no more! It's time to cut those ties for the sake of the environment! Unless you live on an island (which you should), there's a good chance you live close enough to other people that you can find other friends that will fill the voids in your life. Ideally you'd only be friends with your neighbors, that way you can never have to drive to visit anyone.

So yeah, sorry everyone, I guess if you live more than 10 miles away from me, don't plan on seeing me anymore. We can still talk on the phone, though! Just keep the conversations short so I don't have to waste electricity charging my cell phone!

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