Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Green Tip #37: Landfill Reduction, Part 3

Good evening everyone. No introduction here, just

Landfill Reduction, Part 3 - Uses For Old Tires

1) With the recession the way it is (sucky) it's going to be difficult to afford toys for your children this holiday season. So, while it certainly doesn't compare to a Nintendo Wii, an old tire can be loads of fun for a kid to play with. Just ask previous generations, who could amuse themselves for hours on a tire swing. Although, with the childhood obesity epidemic going on, you might need to get a truck tire to make the swing...

2) Have you ever wondered why mattresses are so expensive? I mean the components of them are fairly common (metal, fabric, etc). My suggestion: a big bag of scraps of used tires. Sure, it might be a little lumpy, but think of how soft and bouncy rubber is! And who doesn't love smelling rubber all night long while they sleep?

3) Not so much a green tip as it is a money tip, but how about lining your car with used rubber tires? If you show that to your insurance company, they'll be sure to knock down your car insurance rates. Because there is no way anything will happen to your car.

4) Finally, although some people will tell you that it's bad for the environment, I recommend burning tires. I mean, people are wrong about things from time to time. Just look at corn based ethanol. Everyone thought that was so great and now nobody wants to go near that stuff. Maybe tires will be the same way, but in reverse. Just think, you could be a trend setter. Five years from now when everyone's burning tires, you can say "yeah, I was doing that before anyone thought that was a good idea." Anyone except me, of course.

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