Friday, March 26, 2010

Green Tip #81: More on Shower Use

I feel like I'm almost getting to the point where I'm afraid I'm micromanaging your life. I feel like a good portion of these Green Tips have been about how you should shower and how often you should do it. Thinking back, I've already posted three tips about how you should (or should not) shower or whether you should pee in the shower or not.

Green Tip #19
Green Tip #24
Green Tip #42

Well, I'm not done yet. If you choose to ignore the first one and still continue to take showers, this tip is for you. I was washing my sheets the other day and I realized that my pillowcase had gotten quite dirty. "Eureka!" I thought. "Here's an opportunity for a Green Tip! What if I only took showers at night! Because then my hair would be clean while I'm sleeping and I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning my pillowcase as often!"

But then I woke up the next morning and realized that my good idea was maybe not the best idea. If I didn't take a shower in the morning, I would just end up being too dirty and getting my clothes so gross that I'd have to wash them more often. And that would put me back where I started.

So just as I do all the time on here, I've come up with a compromise. Take two showers a day! I know that sounds counter-productive, but if you take two half showers a day, it comes out to one full shower. So Green Tip #81 is to wash your hair at night and wash your body in the morning. That will save you from washing your clothes and from washing your pillowcase more than you have to!

So have fun and try to keep all those rules straight if you can!

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