Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Green Tip #19: Cut Down On Shower Use

Hey everyone, sorry for the somewhat late posting of your Green Tip for today. Actually, if it weren't for a bookcase that I dropped on my ankle, I'd still be up moving furniture around instead of resting my ankle by sitting and typing this post.

So you're probably a little taken aback by the title of this Green Tip. I mean, "Cut Down On Shower Use"?? Really? That's so.... generic. You're probably thinking that I've finally run out of ideas. Well, not really. Let me explain.

This Green Tip is not about cutting down on water use like the title would imply. Well not directly anyway. No, I want you to think for a while about what the consequences of following this would imply. If you were to never take a shower, yes, you'd be saving countless gallons of water, but you'd also be making yourself really really smelly. And what do smelly people have a hard time doing? Finding boyfriends and girlfriends, of course. (Sorry, smelly people, but you have to know it's true.) And one thing that people who don't have boyfriends and girlfriends tend not to do is to have children.

Now, I know it's built into most of our DNA that we want to pass on our genetic material to our children, but for the sake of the planet, we should think about not having any kids. The population will shrink back to manageable levels where we won't be strained for resources and therefore we won't be worried about animal species going extinct and having to cut down rain forests to build Targets and such.

So please, if you can't keep your hormones in check (don't worry, you can't) I'd suggest taking the temptation out of the equation and stop taking showers.

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