Boooooo! Hisssss! I can already hear the hate mail coming in just based on the title of this Green Tip. Wal Mart falls somewhere between the sixth and seventh circle of hell if you ask any environmentalist. In fact, according to Gary, the environmentalist coworker, the only thing worse than Wal Mart is a Hummer parked in a Wal Mart parking lot. Stupid Hummers....
But I digress. I'm actually lying about the hate mail coming in. I don't actually have an address. I can explain why later. And I don't have an e-mail address to get hate mail for related reasons. So I'm mostly just imagining your hate mail coming at me. If you yell loud enough at your computer, I may be able to hear it.
I apologize. I digressed again. I should explain why it is that shopping at Wal Mart is an environmentally friendly lifestyle to live. When you go to a fancy designer store (by fancy I mean everything at or above Target's level of fanciness) you get plastic bags that are a little bit more sturdy to carry your random crap home in. But when you go to Wal Mart, you get the cheapest, flimsiest bags to carry your random even crappier crap home in. Guess what?! Those really crappy plastic bags that Wal Mart uses are made of High Density Polyethylene, which in less nerdy terms is #2 plastic, which in even less nerdy terms is cheap, easily recycled plastic. But those high end stores (Target, for example) use plastic bags that have higher numbers, and most places will not recycle them. So make sure you go to Wal Mart. But only if you recycle those plastic bags! Consider recycling them pennance for all of the other environmental sins you commit by shopping at Wal Mart otherwise.
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